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Vietnam ICT sector projects strong growth

Research recently conducted by Oxford Economics says that the mobile internet sector may contribute US$5.1 billion to Vietnam from 2015 to 2020, and the sector is expected to create roughly 145,600 new jobs for the country during this period.

The mobile penetration ratio in Vietnam will almost double to nearly 80 percent by 2020 from what it was at the end of 2015.

There is a lot of room for development of the mobile internet business in Vietnam as the country had not paid enough attention to improve the infrastructure and create good legal conditions for the businesses. Vietnam has its own advantages that can create good conditions to develop the mobile internet business with youthful population of over 90 million people, said Oliver Salmon, senior economist at Oxford Economics from a British economic advisory firm.

The research also found that "Vietnam represents a strong growth opportunity for mobile internet technology" and "the growth of the industry in the country seems to match with the development of the sector among SEA countries".

Vietnam has targeted to become a strong ICT country by 2020 and to use technology to drive competiveness and national economic growth. And it has the ambition to be among the fastest growing ICT countries in the world ranked by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). To achieve this target, ICT businesses have made the effort to develop ICT infrastructure and boost IT applications in daily life and economic development.

BKAV is a successful example with its anti-virus software’s presence in over 100 nations around the world. The group is the first Vietnamese technology group implementing smart home technology and is now leading Vietnam in network security, software, electronic government, smart home and smart electronic devices.


Mobile internet to boost GDP
IT revenues grow 7 times higher                     
BKAV named top VN technology brand 

Commentary by Nga Bui, Education Services Manager

The growth in IT and Computer Science sector has been driving the demand for skilled human resources. There are plenty of ICT training programmes in-country, however, the quality of graduates remains unparalleled. Local institutions have been encouraged to improve their training programmes in the areas and have set up a large number of TNE programmes with international partners.

UK institutions who are interested in exploring partnership with Vietnamese universities strong in IT & Computer Science please contact our colleague Phuong Pham, Education Marketing Manager at Phuong.Pham@britishcouncil.org.vn.