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Vietnam drawing up plans to improve quality of PhD training

According to a report by the Higher Education Department of MOET, the number of PhD students in 2020 was higher than that in 2019. The number of articles published in international publications by Vietnam’s higher education institutions has also increased three-fold compared with seven years ago. 

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) is compiling a regulation on doctoral training and scientific research activities in higher education institutions. Key proposed measures to ensure high quality training of PhDs will include:

- setting high requirements on the enrolment of PhD candidates as well as quality of the supervisors

- building research teams

- creating a good academic environment that supports PhD students in doing research and writing international publications

MOET will also propose a mechanism on tuition fees and scholarships to support PhD students so that they can devote their time and efforts to research. 

Read further at: https://vietnamnet.vn/en/society/phd-training-higher-requirements-set-on-students-and-instructors-646790.html

Comments by Lien Ta, Senior Education Services Manager of British Council Vietnam:

There will be tentative changes in the allocation of government funding for training PhDs to meet the requirements for teachers at Vietnamese institutions, as many institutions now require a higher proportion of their teachers having PhD level than before. Instead of funding Vietnamese PhD candidates to study overseas as several years before, MOET will consider a scheme to allocate the fund to support more TNE programmes at PhD level between local universities and foreign partners. This will help the Vietnamse education sector achieve major objectives: increasing the number of PhD lecturers for the local education system, while enhancing the capacity of local institutions in PhD training and faciliating the collaboration between PhD scholars of partner universities in teaching, supervising and evaluating research work. Some Vietnamese universities have started working with foreign partners in PhD TNE programmes, waiting to bid for the government funding once the scheme is officially adopted. Further update once the MOET's regulation and funding scheme for PhD training are confirmed will be informed in due course.