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USA: Education UK Alumni Awards finalist and Alumni Gala 2016

The 2016 finalists for the Education UK Alumni Awards have been announced. The awards celebrate the achievements of international alumni who studied at UK universities within the last ten years. The three awards honor the outstanding achievements made by business professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders who can demonstrate how their UK education has impacted on their subsequent success.

The Education UK Alumni Awards were created by the British Council in September 2014 in order to develop a network of high achieving alumni who could connect not only with government and industry leaders in the UK but with one another as well. The judging panel consisted of the Education UK Alumni Award winners from 2015, and was chaired by international alumni consultant Gretchen Dobson, in coordination with British Council Director New York, Emmanuel Kattan.

The winners of the 2016 award will be announced at the Education UK Alumni Gala 2016 event on March 3rd, 2016 at the Apella Event Space at Alexandria Center - 450 East 29th Street New York, NY 10016.

Education UK Alumni Award Finalists by Category

Professional Achievement Award
Recognises alumni who have distinguished themselves through exemplary leadership and achievements in their professional industry, and who can demonstrate the highest level of integrity and character in their professional career.

Richard Burgess, CEO, American Association of Independent Music
University of South Wales

Ruth Massingill, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Mass Communication at Sam Houston State University
Teesside University

Eric Scott Sills, Medical Director at the Center for Advanced Genetics
University of Westminster

Entrepreneurial Award
Successful applicants in this category will be active in initiating, or contributing to, innovative new business opportunities with strong growth prospects. This is the award for self-starters, go-getters and risk-takers.

Clifford Gross, CEO of TekCapital
University of Oxford

Rick Ifland, Chair of Economics & Business Department and Director of the Eaton Program for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Westmont College
University of Oxford

Alison Sawyer, CEO and Co-Founder of Rebellion Photonics
University of Leeds

Social Impact Award
The Social Impact Award acknowledges alumni who have made an exceptional contribution and commitment to creating positive social change and improving the lives of others.

Morgan Davison, External Engagement Adviser for the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign
Keele University

Patricia Nagi Mechael, Principle and Policy Lead at Health Enabled
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Andrew Shaughnessy, Manager of Public Policy at Promo
University College London

Peter Williams, Founder and Executive Director at ARCHIVE Global
University of Oxford

Winners of the awards will be announced at the Education UK Alumni Awards & Gala on Thursday, 03 March 2016. In addition to honoring the outstanding achievements of UK alumni, the Gala provides a fantastic opportunity for university staff and alumni chapters to connect with key contacts in the New York area, celebrate British education and highlight the achievements of those whose education have impacted their success.

Distinguished guests include:

Matthew Rycroft, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, UK Mission to the UN

Paul Smith, Director USA, British Council

Gretchen Dobson, Global Strategist, Gretchen Dobson LLC

2015 Education UK Alumni Award winners: Mitch Robinson (Professional Achievement Award),Chandler Robinson (Entrepreneurial Award) and Ruthe Farmer (Social Impact Award).

More Information

Education UK Alumni 2016 awards: http://www.britishcouncil.us/education-alumni-awards
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EducationUK.BritishCouncil
Twitter (#edukalumni) https://twitter.com/usaBritish
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGeZUoVy6pY