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Uncertainty dogs grads' job prospects

This year is said to be the most difficult for college graduates to find a job, especially because of the record number of fresh graduates entering the tough job market. No broad-based statistics are available, but according to the annual survey of Chinese education consulting company MyCOS, by April, only 26 per cent of postgraduate and 35 per cent of undergraduate students had secured a job, down 11 and 12 percentage points year-on-year. Latest data from colleges and education authorities are as good as ever but their credibility has been questioned as before because of the problems in the calculation process. A third-party report on employment pressure shows that college graduates have lowered their salary expectation from about RMB5,500 ($897) a month in 2011 to about RMB3,700. Some news reports, however, say many of them are ready to accept even lower salaries to get a job. Reports China Daily