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UKVI expanded the priority visa service for Tier 4 applicants (students) in China

UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) has announced that the priority visa application service will be expanded to Tier 4 applicants (students) in China. Applicants who choose the optional, paid service will have their application put at the front of the caseload queue and receive a decision within five working days.

The service will be offered in all 12 Visa Application Centres across China and is designed to offer maximum flexibility and convenience to Chinese students.

Demand for student visas in China increased by 4 per cent during the year ending September 2014, and student visitor visas increased by 5 per cent.

The UK Tier 4 student visa continues to be multiple entry, allowing students to leave and return to the UK as they wish for the duration of their course plus four months (or one month for shorter courses).

Tier 4 applicants must provide the original documents specified below. All the documents must be provided in English or, if they are not in English, with a certified translation. Failure to do so may result in delays or refusal.

  • Passport;
  • Printed copy of the visa application form;
  • Tuberculosis (TB) test certificate from an approved clinic if they are going to the UK for more than six months and they live in China;
  • If the applicant is under 18, both their parents or legal guardian(s) must give written permission to support their travel to and care arrangements in the UK. The applicant must submit this letter and evidence that they are related to the signatories. This proof of relationship must be a birth certificate, a hukou or a one child certificate. UKVI will not accept notarial certificates in China;
  • Bank statement/certificate of deposit that shows the applicant has the required funds – the amount required will vary depending on the applicant’s circumstances. The bank statement or certificate of deposit must show that the money has already been held for no less than 28 consecutive days. The 28th day must fall on or before the date of the online application (not the date of their appointment at the Visa Application Centre). The funds must be in the name of the applicant or, if in the name of their parent or legal guardian, a letter of consent to use the funds and proof of relationship (as above) is required;
  • Other relevant evidence if they are under 18 and planning to live independently or enter into a private foster care arrangement;
  • Any original documents listed by your Tier 4 sponsor in the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

Further information for students can be found here.