UK qualifications in Spain

Many UK institutions are entering into agreements with Spanish institutions for articulation, validation or franchise of HE qualifications. What is the process that Spanish partners must follow after your initial agreement?

1.- Spanish institutions offering foreign HE qualifications must be authorised locally. (Note: they can continue without the authorisation but in this case students will not be holding recognised degrees in Spain - even if valid in all other countries -, leading to issues of reputation of your qualifications in the long term).
2.- The process of authorisation requires centres to present a "diplomatic certificate" (issued by British Council) and to obtain an authorisation after an inspection from the Spanish Quality Assurance Agency (facilities, teaching standards, etc are checked)
3.- The UK institution is responsible for the quality of its qualification in Spain. The centre must abide to QAA standards.

The British Council would recommend that you consider the following steps before entering into agreements with Spanish institutions:
* A visit to the centre previous to the signature of any initial agreement (even an statement of intentions)
* Include a clause in your agreement that allows you to decide whether or not to continue if the centre does not receive local authorisation
* Ask the centres whether they already have a similar agreement with other University (if they have it, have they been authorised?) or if they have been denied authorisation in the past. Note: centres that have been granted validation from Spanish Universities are very safe options.