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  • UK and competitor countries: Growth in the Indian student market: Indian students mobility report

UK and competitor countries: Growth in the Indian student market: Indian students mobility report

As per the latest Indian student’s mobility report by M.M Advisory Services, the international student mobility market is witnessing some significant changes. These changes revolve around popular student destinations and increase in number of students going abroad. Interestingly, India’s student growth rate has been higher than China.

As per the report, Australia and New Zealand continue to attract more Indian students each year while USA and Canada are still the top choices. Statistics in the report show that UK is not amongst the top 3 choice of country for an Indian student anymore.

The report also claims that Chinese and Indian students together have the highest share in terms of its native students choosing to study abroad.

The report claims that the methodology and source of information captured in this report is through the country government reports and websites.

As the report claims, Indian student market is growing at a fast pace and all international study destinations are witnessing a growth in student numbers from India.  Traditionally UK has always attracted quality students from India and is still a preferred study destination; however competitor countries are gaining ground with various ATL (above the line) and BTL (below the line) promotional activities.

British Council offers a range of promotion opportunities for UK institutions to promote their courses to Indian students, send an email to Shruti Khanna and Cc to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org to know more

Read the original article here: http://mdotm.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MM-Report-2016-Final.pdf