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The two national level school assessment boards cancels Class 12 examinations

The government of India after a high-level review on 2 June 2021 has announced cancellation of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 12 (final year school) examinations. Council for the Indian School Certificate (C ICSE) has followed suit.

This decision was taken keeping the safety of students in mind, in the backdrop of the difficult Covid 19 situation in India. Alternate modes of assessment to replace the cancelled exams will be announced shortly, though various options are being discussed such as looking at class 9,10, 11 results, weightage to class 10 results and internal assessments in class 12.

It was also mentioned for students keen to sit exams for class 12, an option would be provided to them for physical examinations when the situation improves. Nearly 1.5 million students are registered with the two boards and a greater number of students await news from their state level assessment boards. It is expected that the states will follow the same decision.

British Council Comments: This directive affects students planning to go abroad and to the UK for undergraduate studies. Whilst an objective criteria for assessment is being decided, some students who are late bloomers are concerned that they may be disadvantaged. The UK HEIs will need to consider the alternative modes (yet to be announced) and if those fulfil their criteria for admitting students.


If you have any questions please write to aatreyee.guhathakurta@britishcouncil.org