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Tsinghua University MOOC platform expands into high school courses


Tsinghua University, one of China’s top institutions, has announced that it will launch six advanced placement courses for high school students, which will be trialled in Shanghai and Zhejiang province. These courses will be delivered through XuetangX, the university’s MOOC platform, and are linked to trials the university is carrying out in Shanghai and Zhejiang province where they will contribute extra points to students’ applications to the university. They will also count as credits for the student’s university-level study.

The courses will be across four subject areas: three in mathematics, as well as one in each of physics, chemistry and biology. The university will conduct both online and offline tests and assessments for students, as well as interviews by expertise panels. The courses will be recognised by 19 Chinese universities, including other elite institutions such as Renmin University and Fudan University, and Tsinghua has said that it will make efforts to work with other institutions on mutual recognition of these courses.

The university will also conduct teacher training for pilot schools in Shanghai in order to facilitate the student coaching. 20 high schools will offer these courses to their students.

Tsinghua is not the first university to set up advanced placement courses for high school students. Peking University set up advanced pre-university courses in eight subject areas in 2013, which are now taught at 122 secondary schools across China. As with Tsinghua’s courses, credit from these courses is recognised at several other institutions as well as PKU.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst Analysis and Liu Xiaoxiao, Education Services Manager:

Tsinghua, along with other leading universities, has been designated as a pilot university for higher education reform, and has more independence than other institutions in reforming its admission process. Tsinghua is using this MOOC platform as a way to attract more high-quality independent applicants.

1. http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2015-10-20/doc-ifxivsee8806572.shtml
2. http://edu.people.com.cn/n/2015/1012/c367001-27688844.html
3. http://dzb.fawan.com/html/2015-11/29/content_586083.htm