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Timetable for the introduction of pre-entry TB screening in India for UK visas of longer than six months

As may recall, the UK government announced in May that India would be one of a further 67 countries to which pre-entry TB screening would be extended.  Yesterday, 8 August, the UK Border Agency announced the roll out plan and arrangements for screening in India.

Please note that the requirement to undergo pre-entry TB screening only applies to those coming to the UK for more than six months. Therefore it does not affect anyone coming to the UK on a six month student visitor visa. Likewise, it does not affect six month visitor visa applications to see family, for tourism or for business, for example.

The timetable for implementing the screening requirement in India is as follows:

  • Settlement visas – from 16 August 2012
  • Work visas (Tiers 1, 2 and 5) – from 10 September 2012

  • Student visas (Tier 4) – from 1 November 2012

UK visa applications made in the categories and from the dates listed above, need to be accompanied by a TB clearance certificate. 

The start date for students has been set after the main recruitment period for UK Higher Education Institutions.

The UK Border Agency will only accept screening and certificates from a UKBA-approved clinic in India. It has set up a network of clinics across India and these are listed on the websites below.

Information on pre-entry TB screening, including the list of approved clinicians in India and frequently asked questions, is on the British High Commission’s website: http://ukinindia.fco.gov.uk (under “visiting the UK”) and the UK Border Agency’s website: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/countries/india (under “applying for a UK visa”).