Tenth Malaysia plan

Malaysia is currently caught in the middle income bracket with an average GDP of USD8,140 per capita. Therefore, the main focus of the tenth Malaysia Plan is to come out with plans which hopefully could help Malaysia break free from this middle income trap which Malaysia was caught in since the 1980s. 10 Big Ideas have been mooted to make this transformation possible and they are:

1. Internally driven, externally aware
2. Leveraging on our diversity internationally
3. Transforming to high income through specialisation
4. Unleashing productivity-led growth and innovation
5. Nurturing, attracting and retaining top talent
6. Ensuring equality of opportunities and safeguarding the vulnerable
7. Concentrated growth, inclusive development
8. Supporting effective and smart partnerships
9. Valuing our environmental endowments
10. Government as a competitive corporation

All the above had given birth to the concept of one Malaysia, our Prime Minister’s brainchild in bringing Malaysians closer to work together to transform the country to becoming a high income nation by 2020.

More information about the tenth Malaysia Plan can be found at Economic Planning Unit’s website.