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Super Global High Schools Program helping to boost interest in study abroad in Japan

An interim report on the Super Global High Schools Program (SGH Program) shows the programme has fostered improved English skills and a growth in interest towards study abroad/international careers. The report, which was released by Japan’s Ministry of Education (MEXT), included the following key findings:

- The average number of students per SGH that enrolled in study abroad programmes increased from 30 in 2014 to 77 in 2017

- 60% of SGH program students said they were aiming to study abroad/have international careers. For non-SGH program students the figure was 36%.

- 49% of students achieved CEFR B1~B2 in 2017, up from 36% in 2014.

The SGH Program was launched in 2014 with the aim of “fostering globalized leaders who will be able to play active roles on the international stage”.  The program places a strong emphasis on inquiry-based learning and nurturing English language skills through group-work, discussion, essay writing and presentations. It also requires students to conduct fieldwork both domestically and internationally on a research topic in order to broaden their views and pursue their goals. There are currently 123 designated SGH Program schools across Japan (12 national, 73 public, 38 private). Each school receives up to 7m JPY (approx. 50,000 GBP) in government support to deliver their individual programmes over a five-year period.

The SGH Program is one of the Japanese Government’s flagship internationalisation programmes and as such the results of this interim report were eagerly awaited.  It is clear that the program is improving students’ English ability/academic skills and helping to increase study abroad opportunities as well as boost interest in international careers. This is positive news for UK higher education institutions as it means there’s a growing cohort of students with the required skills and mindset for study abroad.  In order to help UK institutions tap into this cohort of study abroad prospects, the British Council is exploring the possibility of arranging an information session for Super Global High Schools, which would involve UK institutions and would be timed to coincide with the major recruiting seasons. We will update the sector as and when this is arranged. 

For a list of SGH Program schools please refer to the SGH website here: http://www.sghc.jp/en/