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Subject Focus: Engineering Employability Prospects

This article from the South China Morning Post illustrates the excellent employability prospects for Engineering graduates in Hong Kong. Two different sources have estimated that the current shortage of engineers in Hong Kong is around 40 per cent, and the stated starting salary for fresh graduates of HK$18,000 per month compares with around HK$14,000 for a business graduate.

While the article suggests that recruiting engineers from Mainland China might alleviate the shortage, doubts are expressed about this solution, and graduates from the UK would be strongly preferred.

Professional recognition of UK degrees is not an issue in Hong Kong, as the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers is a signatory to the Washington accord as regards to equivalence in the accreditation of academic qualifications in professional engineering, and the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA) as regards to professional mobility.

British Council in Hong Kong is committed to promoting student recruitment for specific subject areas, with an Engineering event to be held on 4 November. Details here.

British Council in Hong Kong is also looking to provide a channel for graduates of UK universities to reach employers upon return to Hong Kong. To discuss how we can support your graduate employment efforts please contact us