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State government signs a collaborative agreement with Australian University

Curtin University from Australia and the Assam State University recently signed a collaborative partnership agreement to improve the higher education situation in Assam focussing on technical education and research.

The key points of the agreement were in the areas of gap analysis and curriculum enhancement.

The British Council India plays a key role in supporting UK institutions to enter collaborative partnerships with local institutions. We have organised subject specific missions in the last year to provide a platform to the UK sector to explore collaborative opportunities in certain popular subject areas in India. These missions have led to the signing of MOUs between the local and UK institution.

If you are exploring specific partnerships with Indian institutions, we will be happy to arrange bespoke meetings and appointments as well as assist the partnership right through to the MoU stage. For any such requirement please write to Shruti.khanna@britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

To read the original story, click on www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/City/Guwahati/State-signs-education-deal...