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Sri Lanka: UGC aims to ensure transparent state higher education sector

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released information on 16 steps implemented during the period 9 March 2015 - 31 December 2016, in order to establish a quality process-driven transparent state higher education in Sri Lanka.

Ranging from the increase of student enrolment at undergraduate level to the introduction of special scholarship schemes and bursaries, the UGC has also provided various statistics on the success of these methods implemented.


The 16 steps implemented are as follows;

  1. Expansion of access to free state higher education

       i. Total increase of student numbers – 5564 with the highest increase in the Technology stream followed closely by Humanities and Social Sciences.

      ii. 12 new faculties, 61 new departments, 30 undergraduate and 17 postgraduate programmes approved.

  1. Simplified and modernised admission process

      Introduction of a student-friendly admission handbook and unique identification code

  1. Strengthening the governance, transparency and accountability of institutional processes

     i. Introduction of an online application and online registration system

     ii. Students provided with an option of indicating preferred university in addition to preferred course of study

  1. Reduction of time span between the release of the GCE Advanced Level exam results and university admission

     i. All state universities to commence academic programmes on 01 October each year

     ii. Ministry of Education to speed-up Advanced Level paper marking and re-scrutiny processes as well as the releasing of the final list of registrants

     iii. Introduction of online application and registration systems and recruitment of suitably qualified IT administrators.

  1. Enhancing the relevancy of the of university education to address the skills mismatch

     i. Introduction of 25 new Technology programmes in Engineering Technology, Bio Systems Technology and Information Communication Technology

     ii. 7 new Technology faculties at University of Colombo, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, University of Kelaniya, University of Ruhuna, University of Jaffna, Eastern University and South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.

     iii. Establishment of new Medical faculty at Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

     iv. Diversification of existing Humanities and Social Science degree programmes to include Basic Mathematics, Statistics, IT and English with compulsory credits to enhance their skills.

  1. Strengthening the quality and capacity of university academia

     i.Increased funding from UGC for university academics to obtain Postgraduate qualification with a special focus on Split PhDs. A total of 188 grants have been granted so far.

     ii. Full/partial scholarships from foreign universities

     iii. International donors for development of Postgraduate Research Laboratories in universities.

     iv. Performance based incentive for high quality research by university academia

  1. Strengthening and regularising the quality assurance processes in the state and non-state university system

     i. Establishment of Quality Assurance Directorate for state university system within the UGC

     ii. Introduction of the Sri Lanka Qualifications framework (SLQF) for state universities

     iii. Establishment of a new independent Quality Assurance and Accreditation mechanism for State and Non State Higher Education systems.

  1. Enhancing university-industry links

     i. Establishment of university – business cells

     ii. Support received from various business councils and federations towards the development of sustainable processes for capacity building of Humanities and Social Sciences graduates.

  1. Creation of English Language Teaching Departments (ELTDs)

The ELTDs will help enhance the speaking, writing and communication abilities of graduates and empower and support capacity building of English language teachers.

  1. Creation of English and IT online modules accessible to all selected students prior to enrolment to universities.

After the successful completion of these modules students will also be able to obtain a certificate.

  1. Addressing issues on Gender equity and equality, Sexual and Gender based violence and ragging in universities.

     i. Awareness created on above topics through electronic and print media

     ii. Introduction of online complaint system for university students

     iii. All students and parents to sign affidavit as confirmation of their awareness on the above matters

  1. Creating a closer dialogue with Students Unions, Academic Staff Unions and Non Academic Trade Unions in agreement with the Ministry of Higher Education                                                                            
  2. Decentralising UGC meetings

UGC meetings which were limited to Colombo are to be held at peripherally placed universities to enable commission members to interact with academics from various universities.

  1. Infrastructure developments in universities

          Total of Rs. 18,191 million spent on already completed projects whilst an additional Rs. 40,071 million has been allocated towards ongoing projects. These include hostels, academic buildings, student recreation facilities, administrative                 buildings and staff quarters.

  1. Increase in ‘Mahapola’ scholarship and bursaries

           The ‘Mahapola’ scholarship was increased from Rs. 2500 to Rs. 5000 and student bursaries from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 4000 by the government.

  1. Interest free loan scheme to university students

An Interest free loan scheme was provided by the government to all university students to purchase laptops in 2016.


Continuing with the above recommendations, the University Grants Commission hopes to strive to achieve its vision of transforming Sri Lanka to be the knowledge hub in the region and a leader in higher education in Asia by 2020.


British Council Sri Lanka is happy to provide additional information on the current higher education landscape in Sri Lanka. If you require such information please contact Chamath Peiris – Manager Higher Education & Education Services and cc to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org