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Sri Lanka – An Export Hub by 2020

The government’s strategic vision is to make Sri Lanka an export Hub driven by innovation and investment. Its objectives are to have a business-enabling, predictable and transparent policy and regulatory framework, which can support exports; drive export diversification through innovation and strengthen emerging export sectors. These in turn strengthen exporters’ market-entry and compliance capacities and become an efficient trade and logistics hub to facilitate exports.

Six priority sectors and four trade support functions (TSF) have been identified by the private and public stakeholders at the consultations which focus on diversification through support to the priority sectors. These sectors include Information Communication and Technology, Wellness Tourism, Spice Concentrates, Boat manufacturing, Processed Food & Beverages, and Electronic, Electrical and Machinery. 

These steps will help in growing and diversifying Sri Lanka’s export sectors and reaching new target destinations. Moreover, the focus on some of these sectors will help to energise rural economies and create many new employment opportunities; an issue that the government has been trying to address for many years. This will also assist in the Sri Lankan Government’s drive to achieve a target of $20 billion in exports revenue by 2020.

If you wish to obtain further information on latest market developments in Sri Lanka, please write to Nishika Hassim - Manager Higher Education and International Education Services at Nishika.Hassim@britishcouncil.org