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  • Shanghai municipal government statement on university reform emphasises increased autonomy and differentiation

Shanghai municipal government statement on university reform emphasises increased autonomy and differentiation

The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education recently announced the start of its comprehensive reform programme for colleges and universities. The main aims of this programme are to increase the autonomy of universities as well as to develop individual characteristic strengths at each institution, in pursuit of the goals set in the Shanghai municipal comprehensive reform agenda for 2020.

According to the statement, the city's higher education institutions will see reforms in six areas, covering almost all of their activities: governance and management structure; systems for personnel and human resources; teaching and learning; systems for managing scientific research; international cooperation and exchange; and resource allocation mechanisms.

Public universities at the municipal level will be encouraged to develop their own strengths. The statement gave two examples of universities' goals: the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) is aiming to develop into a first-class institution in the science and technology field, with a goal to receive global professional accreditation for a third of its bachelor's degree programmes, while the Shanghai Theatrical Institute will focus on developing talent and performances in the arts as well as developing a more flexible credit system that allows students to take time off from their studies to perform in TV, film and on the stage.

Meanwhile, the main goal for the city's higher vocational institutions is to develop closer integration with industry, including creating platforms for sharing research as well as developing talent. Plans for private HEIs call for improvements in governance and management structure and teaching quality.

The statement also referred to Ministerial-level universities in Shanghai, which are not under the control of the Municipal Education Commission. Shanghai Jiaotong University will become the third university in the country to be approved for comprehensive governance reforms, after Peking University and Tsinghua University. Increased internationalisation is included as a goal for these reforms, alongside other factors such as reform of personnel management and research systems.

Analysis by Liu Xiaoxiao, Education Services Manager and Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst:
This statement reinforces the national-level policies of increasing HEI autonomy and developing unique characteristic strengths at different higher education institutions. It should be seen as part of a longer-term reform process rather than a large short-term change.

1. http://www.sh.xinhuanet.com/2015-08/27/c_134561474.htm
2. http://www.shedunews.com/zixun/shanghai/gaodeng/2015/08/27/1896125.html
3. http://www.jfdaily.com/minsheng/new/201508/t20150827_1781450.html