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Seven more Chinese provinces set up free trade pilot zones, bringing total to 11

Chinese authorities will set up seven new free trade pilot zones (FTZs) across the country, bringing the total number to 11 as China looks to replicate the success of previous trials. The new FTZs will be located in the provinces of Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi as well as Chongqing Municipality. The expansion came nearly three years after the launch of China's first FTZ in Shanghai in 2013 to test a broad range of economic reforms, including more openness to foreign investment and fewer restrictions on capital flows. In late 2014, Tianjin, Fujian and Guangdong were approved to be the second group of FTZs.

The industrial focus of each of the seven FTZs will be based on local industry development priorities and its own characteristics as described below. These priorities are also relevant for local higher education institutions and for UK institutions looking for partnerships in these regions, as universities often prefer partnerships in fields that address local priorities. From information disclosed so far (collected from various media sources), the seven FTZs have the following priorities:

1. Henan FTZ
* Zhengzhou Area will focus on the development of high value-added advanced manufacturing industries (e.g. electronic information, intelligent equipment manufacturing, precision machinery manufacturing, automobile and parts manufacturing, biomedicine), and modern service industries (e.g. e-commerce, modern logistics, international trade, financial services, information services and cross-border e-commerce)
* Kaifeng Area will focus on the culture industry and services (e.g. tourism and leisure, health care, creative design, culture and media, radio, film and television, theatrical performances, exhibition and expos), as well as the manufacturing industries related to agricultural produces (e.g. agricultural products processing, agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing)
* Luoyang Area will focus on high-end manufacturing industries such as equipment manufacturing, robotics, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles

2. Sichuan FTZ
This will be developed a the national flagship "science and technology FTZ", connecting the science and technology industries of Sichuan with global innovation and development, and accelerating the development of modern service industries.

3. Hubei FTZ
* Wuhan Area will focus on the development of international trade, financial services, modern logistics, R&D and other modern services and other emerging industries such as optoelectronic information, advanced manufacturing, biomedicine
* Xiangyang Area will focus on the development of high-end manufacturing, new-generation information technology, new energy and materials, railway logistics
* Yichang Area will focus on the development of cultural tourism, shipping logistics, equipment manufacturing and high-tech industries

4. Chongqing FTZ will focus on the development of an open economy. The current Jiangbei International Airport will develop into a more internationalised airport with expanding cargo and transit functions, developing express distribution, cold chain logistics, air freight forwarding, and integrating the operation of the bonded logistics area and airport cargo area. Chongqing will also rely on the interconnection project between China and Singapore to link up the Jiangbei International Airport and airports in Southeast Asia.

5. Zhejiang FTZ
* Zhoushan Area will focus on the liberalisation of commodity trade, facilitating investment in marine industry and opening up the modern marine service industry

6. Shaanxi FTZ aims to better support the "One Belt One Road” initiative, with developing the FTZ into a pilot area for international standards, investment and trade facilitation, high-end industrial clusters, improved financial services, in-depth cultural exchanges, and efficient regulations in the legal environment after 3 to 5 years of reform experiments

7. Liaoning (Dalian) FTZ aims to further drive the Northeast region with a new round of revitalisation

Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng said in an interview that the FTZs will be launched following necessary procedures, but did not give a timeframe. The overall implementation plan is expected to be released at the end of 2016.

1. The official interview with Gao Hucheng (Minister of Commerce) is at: http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article/ae/ai/201608/20160801384550.shtml
2. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-08/31/c_135648741.htm
3. http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2016-09/06/c_129270786.htm
4. http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2011915/seven-more-provin...