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Senior high schools admission results announced

The admission results for senior high schools were published this week. According to this year’s results, Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School tops the list for male students and Taipei First Girls' High School is top for female students. The rest of the top five schools (in terms of academic performance) are the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (co-ed), Taipei Municipal Cheng Kung Senior High School (for boys), and Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School.

While the top schools remain extremely popular with high-performing students, the number of students choosing to enrol in public-funded senior high schools in their respective neighbourhoods has also increased.  Education experts mentioned that as a result of the ample supply of university places, parents and students are more willing to take advantage of local provisions in the community, instead of looking for education opportunities in other districts.  Consequently, some of the community senior high schools are able to recruit students of better quality, which is seen as a positive indicator of the overall development of school education. 

 Meanwhile, private-funded elite schools and prestigious vocational senior high schools, because of their track record in graduate admission to national universities or comprehensive development in skills and employability, have also gained in popularity amongst students, reported the Central News Agency and the United Daily.