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Science graduates have best employment prospects

A white paper released on Thursday 12 December 2013 said that Chinese college students who major in the sciences have better prospects for quick employment and a higher income after graduation than students majoring in the literal arts. Among the top 50 most employable majors in 2012, 41 per cent to 82 per cent were in the sciences, including clinical medicine, nursing and pharmacy. And the top 17 were all in the sciences, the paper said. Water-supply and sewerage infrastructure was ranked first, with 97.5 per cent of graduates in this specialty likely to find a job within six months of graduation. The Japanese language came in last among the top 50, although still with a relatively quick employment rate of 92.4 per cent. Japanese is classified in the literal arts. The white paper was jointly released by three organisations — MyCOS Research Institute, which conducts research on pressing issues in China’s higher education, Tomorrow Advancing Life, an education and technology group in China and Learning.sohu.com. Reports China Daily