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  • Samsung launches its Smart School system in the UK

Samsung launches its Smart School system in the UK

Samsung has now started a pilot in the UK but is not ready to divulge the name of the school. However, it already has other partnership, including one with Birmingham Metropolitan College, which has over 40,000 students -- mostly adults -- spread across a number of sites. The college's Mustafa Shevket said it had invested more than £10,000 in Samsung equipment (including a Samsung Surface) for a learning centre in Kidderminster.

Almost all Samsung's products are used in business, including in-house training, and in higher education colleges. However, it's making a push into the schoools market by developing software that enables many of its products to work together. Smart Education is being launched in the UK this month, and the company ran hands-on demos of its Smart Classroom Solution (sic) for teachers who attended last week's BETT educational technology exhibition at London's ExCel.

This is just the start of Samsung's "big vision for 2020."

In its Smart School pilot projects, Samsung has been supplying teachers and some whole classes with their own personal devices. These include the multi-touch Series 7 Slate running Windows 7, and Galaxy Tab or Galaxy Note tablets running Google's Android. The Slate also works with a digital pen, as do Samsung's Note devices. Reported the Korea Herald

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