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Rescheduling and contingency measures for the 2020 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE)

In response to the latest situation of infections caused by a Novel Coronavirus in the community, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) announced today (6 February) a number of contingency and precautionary measures for the 2020 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE).

Written examinations of 24 HKDSE Category A subjects will be held according to the published timetable starting with the Visual Arts examination which is scheduled for 27 March 2020. Please refer to the attached Examination Timetable for details.

However, some of the examinations will be rescheduled:

  • Practical examinations of Physical Education (PE) and Music: the practical examinations of PE (Paper 3) and Music (Papers 2 & 4B), originally scheduled for late February to late March, will be postponed to May 2020 (further details to be announced).
  • Speaking examinations of language subjects: the speaking examinations of Chinese Language, originally set to be held between 11 and 19 March 2020, will be postponed to 18 – 26 May 2020, while the English Language speaking examinations will be conducted from 4 to 12 May 2020.

Due to the above changes in examination dates, the release of results for the 2020 HKDSE is postponed from 8 July to 15 July, for now. The HKEAA and Education Bureau will closely monitor and assess the situation of the Novel Coronavirus infections.

If the Education Bureau decides that it is still not suitable for schools to resume in late February, HKDSE written examinations, planned to start on 27 March, may be postponed for four weeks, while the speaking examinations and some or all of the practical examinations may be cancelled. Thus, the release of HKDSE examination results will also be deferred to a later date. The HKEAA will announce further details as soon as possible.

The Study UK Fair in July will also be postponed accordingly, we will keep you posted once we receive updates from HKEAA.


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