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Registration of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech-Language Therapists in Singapore

From 15 April 2013, Singapore’s Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) will commence registration of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech-language therapists.  Other groups of healthcare professions may be regulated thereafter.

The move is aimed at ensuring high standards and safeguarding the interests of the public.  It will bring Singapore in line with international norms, especially in view of the growing demand for allied health professionals from a rapidly ageing population. 

To qualify for the registration, one of the criteria is for the applicant to possess a recognised professional qualification.  The Lists of Recognised Qualifications may be found here:

Applicants whose qualifications are not found on the List of Recognised Qualifications can take and pass the relevant Qualifying Examination (QE) to be eligible for Conditional Registration.

About Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC)

The AHPC is a professional board under the Ministry of Health (MOH) which comprises of 11 members from the Allied Health professions and representatives from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. 

Its functions include the registration and issuing of practicing certificates to registered allied health professionals, setting of standards for training, conduct and practice; as well as to maintain the Register of Allied Health Professionals in Singapore.

More information can be found at their website - http://www.ahpc.gov.sg