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Recommended universities list for self-funded students is now published in Qatar

Following the recent news about the new scholarship list in Qatar, The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar has also announced a new list for self-funded students.

We regret to report that the UK list dropped down by 22% from 100 institution to 78 only.  

Our main competitor the US, aren’t doing any better than us.  Their list also got dropped down dramatically by 60% from 1446 to 575 institutions.

Although the Ministry has briefly outlined the criteria followed when updating this list, which is completely based on national and international ranking systems, we anticipate there is another set of criteria followed.  The country SIEM team is already planning a meeting with the Ministry to understand the overall criteria adopted in updating both lists and to assess the possibility of influencing their decision.  We will share the meeting outcomes on the SIEM website shortly after the meeting.

Not being on the self-funded nor the scholarships lists would mean that you are unable to actively promote your institution in Qatar by neither attending events nor participating in marketing campaigns.

You can access the new self-funded list here, which is currently available only on the Arabic version of the website: http://www.edu.gov.qa/Ar/structure/HigherEducation/Universities_doc/EquList2017.pdf