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Qatar's Education ministry’s strategic plan for 2018-2022 outlined

The Ministry of Education’s strategy covers a number of axes (enrolment; achievement and implementation; manpower; citizenship and values; institutional development and governance), as well as intermediate results and goals.

In the area of achievement and implementation, the aim is to have learners whose achievement is compatible with their abilities and possession of  necessary skills and competencies necessary to move through the educational stages and to join the labour market.

The outlines are:

  • Increasing the percentage of children who pass the school readiness assessment criteria before entering the first grade of primary school
  • Improving students’ performance in national examinations for the third, sixth and ninth grades to achieve 70% of the grade or higher
  • Raising the percentage of students in 12th grade in public schools in science and engineering, or in the scientific track, and who achieve 70% in the secondary certificate
  • Raising the percentage of 12th grade students who achieve an average of 70% or higher than the grade in high school exams in public schools
  • Raising the average score of Qatari students in international studies tests by a minimum average of 30 points in each session

In the area of manpower, the aim is to have an efficient and qualified workforce distinguished by their performance and commitment to work ethics.The specific objectives are:

  • Increasing the percentage of early childhood teachers who have appropriate and recognised teaching qualifications
  • Raising the average number of approved official training hours for kindergarten and government school teachers
  • Increasing the percentage of teachers in government schools who have professional licenses
  • Increasing the percentage of Qataris and residents enrolled in the teaching profession from graduates of the College of Education at Qatar University
  • Regarding citizenship and values, aim is to have educated people with awareness and pride in Qatari values and heritage, and who respect other cultures and people.

The specific objectives are:

  • Raising the level of satisfaction of the parents of students in kindergartens and schools, public and private, with regard to the concepts of  values and heritage of the Qatari society that their children receive
  • Increasing the percentage of programmes and activities that enhance Qatari values, heritage and identity in all levels of public and private education

As for institutional development and governance, the aim is to have modern management systems and tools that work effectively.
The specific objectives are:

  • Development of a comprehensive central database for education and training
  • Increasing the percentage of electronic services provided by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to the beneficiaries
  • Raising the percentage of beneficiaries’ satisfaction with the services provided by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education
  • Raise the efficiency of spending and to allocate resources in the Ministry of Education
  • Supporting the role and participation of the private sector in providing high quality learning and education services
  • Establishing systems for higher education in line with the best methods and standards of developed universities and assisting higher education institutions to compete globally

Please contact Paula Jensch (Qatar) for further information