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Punjab University faculty present research in UK

Punjab University College of Pharmacy’s Assistant Professor Dr. Syed Nawazish-i-Husain presented his research work in collaboration with University of Strathclyde; Glasgow, UK at the British Pharmacological Society’s annual meeting ‘Pharmacology-2015’ in London.

Professor Syed’s presentation was titled “Comparison of the agonist activities of treprostinil and naxaprostene in rat tail and pulmonary arteries” which was keenly discussed by other renowned scientists working in the same field of study and who were present at the meeting in London.

‘Pharmacology’ is an annual feature of the society which provides scientists from all over the world an opportunity to showcase their research and contest the hypotheses undertaken during the research work. It also provides scientists a platform to identify possibilities of research collaboration and transfer of skills to their respective universities.

British Council Pakistan strives to support universities, institutions and other education decision makers in their advancement and partnership development strategies to consequently strengthen collaboration within local universities and UK institutions.

Trans-national education (TNE) is a growing market in Pakistan and recent data shows evidence of over 40 such programs running successfully in affiliation with British universities at undergraduate and graduate level, according to the  British Council. Overall, the UK takes about 65 per cent of the TNE market in Pakistan, at a clear majority.

For details on partnership development, contact the SIEM Pakistan team for customised consultancy services.