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Private colleges urged to prepare having no freshmen by 2016 under K to 12 Programme

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has urged private universities and colleges to brainstorm and find a solution to the problem of them having no freshmen by 2016 due to the K-to-12 Programme.

CHED has formed a technical working group to explore solutions on the matter. CHED reiterated, however that they are mainly responsible for curriculum quality and standards. Under K to 12, elementary consists of Grade one to six while high school will now consist of junior high school from Grade seven to ten and the additional two-year senior high school from Grade 11 to 12. Grade 11 will be implemented by 2016, such that fourth year high school students will move on to senior high school instead of moving on to college, writes Dona Z Pazzibugan for Philippine Daily Inquirer.