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  • Pre-service Teacher Training Programme in India to become a Four-Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme for School Teachers

Pre-service Teacher Training Programme in India to become a Four-Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme for School Teachers

As a progressive step to uplift the teacher education programme, the Ministry of Education, India notified a four-year integrated teacher education programme (ITEP) on 6 November 2021. This replaces the previous three-year pre-service training programme and will be the new mandated minimum degree qualification for school teachers.

The National Education Policy 2020 has set the target for teacher engagement only through the ITEP from 2030 onwards. The new integrated teacher education programme will be initially offered by about 50 institutes across the country from the next academic year 2022-23.

ITEP will offer an integrated bachelor’s degree combining basic Bachelor of Art/Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Commerce degrees with Bachelor of Education (BEd). The course will help students save a year as previously they would have had to complete a bachelor’s degree (a three-year programme) in a particular discipline and then follow it up with a BEd course of two-year duration.

The National Council for Teacher Education, responsible for planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system across the country has developed the curriculum. Admission for this course will be carried out at the national level through a common entrance test.

“ITEP will not only impart cutting-edge pedagogy but will also establish a foundation in early childhood care and education (ECCE), foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN), inclusive education, and an understanding of India and its values/ethos/art/traditions, among others”, said the Indian education ministry official.

British Council comments

The Four Year ITEP is a milestone achievement in fulfilling one of the major mandates of National Education Policy 2020. NEP 2020 recognizes that teachers will require training in high-quality content and pedagogy meeting global standards to improve learning outcomes for students and provide them with 21st-century skills.

With improved learning outcomes in schools, the students moving onto higher education will expect, if not least, similar quality and standards of learning in the HE institutions. This is going to mount pressure on the India HEIs which are not yet equipped to either absorb the growing intake of students or provide all-around quality education. It is likely that the Indian HEIs will want to partner with international HEIs to address these areas and students to explore newer overseas destinations that can offer affordable and quality education.


If you have any questions, please write to Sandeepa Sahay

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