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Postsecondary Attainment in the USA

The Lumina Foundation has released the 2016 edition of A Stronger Nation. The report details postsecondary attainment data for each state in the United States.

The foundation focuses on increasing student success and has a goal that by 2025, 60% of Americans will hold a degree, certificate or other high-quality postsecondary credential in order to improve further education and employment opportunities.

Key facts from the report:
• The overall postsecondary attainment rate for the US is 45.3%, which includes 2-year degrees, 4-year degrees and high-quality postsecondary certificates.
• Attainment rates for African Americans and Hispanics are only at 28.68% and 20.86% respectively, while whites are at 45% and Asian-Americans are at 60.59% attainment.
• There are 36 million adults aged 25-64 who have received some college, but no degree (21.5% of the working age population)
• The top five metro areas in the US with the highest postsecondary attainment rates include Washington DC, Boston, San Francisco, Minneapolis and Seattle.

For more information and to read the full report, please visit: http://strongernation.luminafoundation.org/report/2016/