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  • Philippine president appoints Chevening alumni as PPP Center chief

Philippine president appoints Chevening alumni as PPP Center chief

Chevening alumnus Andre Palacios has been appointed by President Benigno Aquino III as the new executive director of the Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines.

Since January 2015, Andre has been technical adviser to the PPP Center.

Palacios earned his Master of Laws in International Law, with merit, from the University of London. He finished his law degree from the University of the Philippines, and placed 5th in the 1998 bar examinations.

He also worked at the World Bank in Washington, DC; at the Philippine mission to the World Trade Organization in Geneva; as assistant secretary at the Office of the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel; and as general counsel of the Millennium Challenge Account Philippines.

The PPP Center serves as the coordinating and monitoring agency for all public-private partnership programmes in the Philippines, which aims to facilitate infrastructure and other development services to sustain national economic growth.
