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Pakistan's potential lies in its youth, according to Pakistan Minister

Pakistan can move to the top 25 economies of the world by 2025 to be among the top 10 by 2047 all because of the passion and the talent of youth, said Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal, speaking at an alumni reunion at University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore.

He said that Pakistan was a successful emerging nation with potential to develop economically through self-belief and positivity. He added that Pakistan needed 7-8% transformational growth within a 10 year span to mobilise resources to socially develop rural areas and create employment venues for the increasing youth population.

He said the government’s Vision 2025 and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would both be instrumental in developing the economy of   Pakistan. The minister appreciated UET engineers and scientists, appraising their work which includes workable recommendations of research papers to be utilised in policy making.

Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Chairman Dr Javed Qureshi offered awards for researchers and inventors of special projects.

He concluded that 2016 would be an important year for all UETians at the international level. He said the university had planned several literary, co-curricular and social events to mark these celebrations.

To know more about UET and how you can work with them more closely or to contact the SIEM Pakistan team, please get in touch with Saman Imtiaz, Head SIEM, Pakistan at saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk
CC: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org