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Pakistan to see strong growth in student mobility numbers

According to recent reports and studies, Pakistan is set to experience an increase in demand for higher education; analysts also foresee a steady rise in numbers of students proceeding abroad for international qualifications.

A report by the British Council attributes this growing demand for higher education to an increase in GDP per capita. In relation, studies also indicate why Pakistani outbound student mobility is set to reach new heights.

The mobility trends speculated for Pakistan are based on the fact that Pakistan’s tertiary population is predicted to see an increase of 0.2% between 2014 and 2024 with a growth rate of 6.4% for postgraduate levels.

While UNESCO studies show that UK is the top destination of choice for Pakistani students, the British Council report analysing mobility patterns predicts that by 2024 Australia will be the top destination for international study, followed by Canada, Germany and the US. It has been estimated that UK would follow with approximately 5000 students from Pakistan.

Trends that contribute to the predicted increase in outward student mobility for Pakistani students include several factors. These include the increased focus on both, the importance of education as well as the provision of more opportunities for higher education within Pakistan. Currently, there are 136 universities and more than 3000 technical and vocational institutions operating in Pakistan. There is also a mushrooming of private schools across the country. When combined with a rise in the GDP per capita income, increased awareness to global trends, international connectivity and extensive development work in education the student population is increasingly looking to improve their educational experiences for better employability. We can observe the increased focus on career guidance and student counselling at schools and universities. More and more institutions are providing on-campus counselling to students about options for higher education. The number of students who appear for their O and A level examinations is increasing annually. The majority of these students seek placement at international universities for their under graduate and post graduate qualifications. Similarly, universities are also establishing departments that focus on international linkages and collaborations.

Within Pakistan, government policy strongly promotes the need to invest in the education sector. Improvements and development of the education sector remain a joint concern for federal and provincial governments. This vision aims to augment literacy and high quality of education in order to enable development initiatives at national and global levels.

An analysis of these mobility trends reveals new avenues beginning to open up for development in planning policies and recruitment strategies.

As an outcome of the developing mobility trends, British Council strives to support universities, institutions and other education decision makers in their advancement strategies. SIEM Pakistan offers various platforms that can be effectively used to promote recruitment in Pakistan.

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British Council report:

Postgraduate Student Mobility Trends to 2024