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Pakistan government cancels all board exams, extends school closure

The National Coordination Committee (NCC) on Covid-19 met yesterday and made some key decisions for the education sector of Pakistan. Talking to the media, the Federal Minister of Education and Professional Training, Mr. Shafqat Mehmood announced that the committee had approved closure of all educational institutions, from schools to universities, till July 15. He said that in Pakistan students of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th classes appeared in board examinations and it had been decided that students of 10th and 12th classes would be promoted on the basis of their results of 9th and 11th classes from last year.

The minister said the federal education ministry was already in consultation with the provincial education ministers. “Yesterday we [education minsters] had a detailed discussion on two issues, i.e cancellation of exams and extending closure of educational institutions,” he said.

Joint Secretary of the federal education ministry Syed Umair Javed said that the ministry through the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) – the umbrella organisation of all education boards – was in contact with all boards. “Already some meetings have been held at the IBCC level and we will finalise a new policy soon.”

He said that all the provincial governments and boards were on the same page and a new examination policy would be implemented across the country.

