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Pakistan to focus on building strong academic and research alliances in higher education

Capacity building and developing centres of excellence in advanced technologies for national universities have been rated as priorities by the newly appointed Chairperson of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan Dr Tariq Banuri. These centres will be funded by the HEC and will collaborate with and provide assistance to partner countries.

In a meeting which was attended by representatives from different national universities of Pakistan, emphasis was laid on proactive collaboration not only within universities and national institutions but also on increased involvement of universities at the international level.

There was a focus on science subjects, especially High Energy Physics through collaboration and networking. There was a call to identify certain areas for joint collaboration and a time frame to ensure completion of collaborative projects.

British Council Pakistan strives to support universities, institutions and other education decision makers in their advancement and partnership development strategies to consequently strengthen collaboration within local universities and UK institutions.

If you would like to visit specific HEIs in Pakistan or initiate discussions with local education decision makers on collaborations and partnerships, please get in touch with Saman Imtiaz at saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk   

To contact the SIEM Pakistan team, please get in touch with Saman Imtiaz, Head IES, Pakistan at saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk  

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