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PAK - UK Education Gateway Newsletter

This first edition of Higher Education and Skills Newsletter Jul-Dec 2019 is intended to be a regular bi-annual publication. It is your pit-stop for news, developments, and activities related to the Pak-UK Education Gateway, a project connecting Higher Education in Pakistan to the UK and co-funded by the British Council and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.

The top five highlights of the newsletter:

  1. Pak-UK Education Gateway, in partnership with the Higher Education Commission launched in Nov 2018.
  2. Delegation from Pakistan attended Going Global in Berlin in May 2019.
  3. Study UK Alumni Awards 2019 ceremony took place in Islamabad in June 2019 announcing winners in the Entrepreneurial, Social Impact and Professional Achievement category.
  4. Pakistan Scottish Scholarship Scheme launched for the undergraduate level as well.
  5. Mobility grants for faculty and students to be announced in September 2019 under Pak-UK Education Gateway.

For more details on our activities and upcoming opportunities, please see the attached Newsletter in PDF. Click here if you wish to unsubscribe to the newsletter.