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Overseas Indian Educators to be invited to teach at local Indian Institutions

As per recent news reports according to a senior educationist, India plans to bring home Indian educators who are currently teaching abroad. This is part of an initiative to improve the education system in India which will invite international educators to teach in local institutions for at least a semester.

In order to encourage overseas educators to take up work here, they will be offered the same salary as they are currently earning overseas.

If this initiative is successful, there are a lot of Indian educators teaching in various UK Institutions who can take part in this programme. Through these educators, Institutions will have access to a pool of talented students, who can be approached for postgraduate courses, research and PhDs.

India is certainly progressing towards bringing internationalisation in the local classroom. With these upcoming opportunities and exciting initiatives taken by the education experts in India, UK institutions have an edge to meet  local institutions that are open to collaborations and partnerships in order to bring the ‘internationalism’ in their classroom.

To read the original story, please visit http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/services/education/india-to-bring-foreign-indian-experts-for-empowering-education/articleshow/49296970.cms

To know more on opportunities related to partnerships and collaborations, write to shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org with a cc to siemsouthasia@in.britishcouncil.org