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Online Degree Courses to get recognition in India

Students in India will soon be able to study degree courses online. University Grants Commission (UGC), the authority that controls Higher Education regulation is all set to give recognition to fully online degree courses. A lot of students prefer online education given the flexibility of working while studying. There were a variety of courses that were already available online but were never officially recognised.

Till now the students had the option to take up distance learning courses offered by various UGC recognised institutions. In a directive by Human Resource Department and Ministry, universities will be encouraged to launch online courses monitored by UGC. The affiliated institution will need to provide e-tutorials for concept clarity. All the steps in enrolment from counselling to fees payment will be done online.

This decision by Indian Government will be a huge reform in the education sector. SIEM India will keep a track on the launch of UGC recognised online courses and will communicate any collaboration opportunities that might be available for UK institutions.

To read the full article: https://chandigarhmetro.com/ugc-2017-to-recognise-online-degree-courses-in-india/   

For information on SIEM services please write to Shruti Khanna with a cc to SIEM South Asia