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Oman Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Exhibitions Organization and Management Regulations

His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Masoud bin Ali al-Sunaidi, Minister of Commerce and Industry, has issued a ministerial decision No. (182/2017) on the Issuance of Exhibitions Organization and Management Regulation.

The section which applies to UK education is as follows:

'One State Exhibitions

The Regulation for the Organization and Management of Exhibitions confirmed that the exhibition of the same country may not be organized for the same field except once a year, subject to the prior approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassy of the country accredited in the Sultanate. The exhibition shall not be more seven and not less than three days, and the exhibition area shall not be less than 1,000 square meter provided that all products and exhibits are produced by the country of exhibition. The period of establishment of the one-state exhibition may coincide with the period of establishment of an exhibition similar to that of another State or with any other type of exhibition in the same governorate or in another governorate organized by the same licensee, or by another licensee.'

The British Council has applied for and has been granted the above licence. The exhibition will take place 3-5 March 2018 and you can register at https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/exhibition/study-uk-oman-e....

Read the full text of the ministerial decision at https://www.moci.gov.om/wps/portal/MoCI/MOCI%20home/Media%20Centre/Minis...