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  • No more quota on enrolment of Malaysian students in international schools

No more quota on enrolment of Malaysian students in international schools

International schools in Malaysia are established mainly to provide education using international curriculum (e.g. British, Australian, American etc) for children of expatriates and diplomats who are working in Malaysia. Affluent Malaysians could apply to enter these schools but they would need to fulfil certain criteria before their children could be accepted. Furthermore, there is a 40 per cent quota on the enrolment of Malaysian students in international schools.

However, it was announced some time in May 2012 that the quota of 40 per cent has been abolished, thus making it possible for more Malaysians to choose international schools as a study option for their children. This decision had raised several questions, such as:

  • Would this move actually help Malaysia strengthen its position as a regional education hub?
  • Do Malaysians actually benefit from this development?
  • Would more Malaysians choose international schools over national schools?

For more information, do refer to the following news article: