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No difference between full-time and in-service degrees in Vietnam

On July 1, the law on amending provisions of the Higher Education Law ratified by the National Assembly in November 2018 took effect.

One of the most noteworthy amendments is the removal of the prejudice on the types of bachelor’s degrees learners receive. From now on, the degrees granted to full-time and in-service students have the same value.

However, many education experts showed concerns about the difference in quality education between full-time and in-service training type. They are doubt about quality of many in-service training programmes, although not all, because studies show that in-service training in many universities do not meet quality standards.

Many local officials were found failing the entrance exams to full-time training programs at universities and registered to study under the in-service training programs to obtain bachelors degrees without high graduation requirements. The degrees allowed the officials to get job promotions when working for state agencies.

Therefore, in people’s minds, in-service training always means low quality training.

Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/en/society/with-new-law-difference-between-full-ti...

Comments from Lien Ta, Senior Education Services Manager:
With this new rule taking effect, UK institutions should pay notice when assessing applicants for master programmes based on their bachelor's degrees. It is always necessary to know if the applicants are graduated from a full-time or in-service training programme.