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A new update on Qatar's Supreme Education Council Scholarship list

Following the recent update of the Supreme Education Council (SEC)'s scholarship list on 30th April 2015, the SEC has decided to update the scholarship list further and now a newer list (PDF)is released. The aim of the new list is to minimize confusion among Qatari students caused by having some universities approved for all subject areas while others approved for certain subject areas.  Therefore, they decided that some of those institutions approved for certain subject areas, with an overall high university ranking, to remain on the list, but now have the opportunity to get scholarships at all of their subject areas.  Others which were only approved for limited subject areas, were removed completely from the SEC scholarship list.  

We appreciate that such update might be good news for some institutions but bad news for more than 30 UK institutions, who were dropped from the list. We have already started to receive some responses from institutions who were affected negatively and we plan to set-up a meeting with SEC representatives to invistigate further on why those instituions were removed.

If you think your institution should remain on the list and you have supporting evidence(s) to convince the SEC with your academic strengths to re-include the instituion for all subject areas, please e-mail Rawan Khir with details.

Please note that in our proposed meeting with the SEC, we will be representing the UK HEI sector as a whole and refer briefly to examples of institutions who approached us re this matter.  If you would like to take it on an individual basis, charges would apply as it will encounter SIEM staff time.

Please note that the SEC decision on the scholarship list doesn't have an impact on self-funded students.