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A new University of Medicine and Pharmacy established in Vietnam

The new University of Medicine and Pharmacy has been established based on the upgrading of the School of Medicine and Pharmacy, and now become the eighth university member under Vietnam National University in Hanoi (VNU-HN). The University has employed 180 staff and teachers and has the capability to train up to 1,500 students. It is offering six training programmes at undergraduate level and starts delivering three master's programmes in the field of pediatrics, eye health and dentistry from this year. 

The establishment of the new University is believed to help Vietnamese Government in solving a lot of medical shortcomings caused by a lack of doctors, nurses and educational facilities in medicine and pharmacy.




Comments by Lien Ta, Senior Education Services Manager:

The newly-established University of Medicine and Pharmacy reflects the increasing need of having high-quality human resources in many aspects of the healthcare sector in Vietnam, in the context that the number of universities specialised in this field are still very limited. It also brings another opportunity for UK institutions to develop research and academic links and partnership in this field. Having an innovative university governance model and curriculum is a priority for not only the newly-established University but also other ones in this field, as that is one of prerequisite conditions for these universities to expand their internationalisation activities with not only the UK but other foreign institutions in the near future.