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New system approved to rank universities locally in Jordan

The Cabinet recently approved the mandating reasons of the draft by-law of the Jordanian universities' ranking system, designed to enable the Higher Education Council to ensure a higher quality of education.  The universities will be ranked according to specific criteria, including scientific research and publications, the number of faculty members and enrolled students, in addition to the ratio of foreign students to the total number of students, among others, according to Higher Education Minister Adel Tweisi. 

Tweisi noted that the by-law draft will soon be referred to the Legislation and Opinion Bureau, expecting it to be applied as of next month.


Comment: We encourage UK universities to remain in touch regarding this new local ranking system in Jordan; as it will assist universities in getting a better image about local universities' situations whenever there is a partnership agreement opportunity.

SIEM Officer in Jordan will follow up on this and will keep posting news here about it for updates.