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New Scholarship Programme in Botswana

The British Council Botswana have recently signed a contract with Debswana Diamond Mining Company to manage its overseas scholarship programme. The current cohort of 50 students will be awarded scholarships for programmes of study in the following disciplines :
- Safety & Human Factor Occupation Hygiene; Electrical Electronics; Civil & Structural Engineering; Automation & Instrumentation, Mining Engineering; Geology; Geotechnical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical/Ore Processing Engineering; Hydrogeology; Supply Chain Management and Mine Survey. According to a Debswana spokesperson, the scholarship programme is targeting school leavers who completed their iGSCE or BGCSE in 2014, or self-sponsored A level students. The scholarship covers A level training and university programmes in relevant disciplines. A number of the first cohort have already taken up places at A level colleges in the UK and in Botswana. For more information, please contact Nobantu Kalake, Director British Council Botswana.