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New partnerships between universities in the UK and Pakistan

New partnerships and collaborative programmes between universities in the UK and Pakistan are on the rise. Does this collaboration signify a positive outcome?

In Pakistan, higher education refers to all levels of education above grade 12, generally corresponding with the age bracket of 17 to 23 years. It is estimated that Pakistan presently has a population of 18 million in this category, and the number is expected to increase to 25 million by the year 2013. 2.6% of this segment of the population, approximately 475,000, is enrolled in higher education institution (UNESCO Statistical Yearbook 1996).

The higher education system comprises universities and colleges. A broad functional classification, number and distribution of the institutions show that the public sector institutions provide education in a wide range of disciplines whereas the private sector caters mainly to professional education and training in business and law. Most higher education is provided through colleges.

UK universities occupy 3 of the top 10 spots, 7 of the top 50 and 11 of the top 100. UK higher education institutions are connected to industry and business, and play a critical role in transferring knowledge. So far, more than 76 UK universities have formal partnerships or long-term agreements with Pakistani higher education institutions. 98 percent of all Pakistani vice-chancellors and rectors have received leadership training in the UK since 2010, which has allowed them to form relationships with the UK and its education sector.

New partnerships and collaborative programmes between universities in the UK and Pakistan are a direct outcome of the training programmes every year. The partnership between the British Council and HEC focuses on four areas of activities:

•Knowledge Exchange National Strategy Development Support. As a result of the collaboration between the two institutions, the first ever Knowledge Exchange strategy has been developed for the Higher Education sector of Pakistan.

•Developing strategic partnerships for knowledge exchange. The programme offers mobility grants to senior leaders in universities to work closely with UK partners and develop their strategies for knowledge. To date, 16 grants have been given to universities in Pakistan who worked with their counterparts in the UK.

•ORIC staff training. Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation (ORIC) are being set up in universities to facilitate research and transform knowledge into products and services. British Council and HEC are working together to develop the facility for ORIC staff that supports individual HEIs to create their own organisational Knowledge Exchange strategic plans.

•HEC Research Links. A network of UK and Pakistani partner institutions is created to generate successful and credible case studies of knowledge exchange. A total of 16 Exploratory Grants were given to universities in Pakistan to identify university and non-university partners in the UK in 2013/2014. A fresh call for Knowledge Economy Partnerships was launched in collaboration with HEC in UK and Pakistan this year.

Some of the programmes in higher education include:

-International Strategic Partnerships in Research & Education (INSPIRE)

-Transforming English Language Skills (TELS)

-Policy Dialogues

-Knowledge Exchange Program

-Researchers Links Programme

Last year alone, 14 new transnational education partnerships were agreed upon. Currently, a new set of partnership agreements is underway with various UK Universities. Click here for details about British Council Pakistan’s programmes in higher education.

Read more on partnerships

British Council Higher Education & TNE