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  • New government scholarship list 2017 is now published in Qatar

New government scholarship list 2017 is now published in Qatar

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar has announced a new list for scholarships earlier this week.

The new list has mixed impact on the UK sector.  Handful institutions managed to get back on the list, which rarely happens.  On the other hand, it is disappointing to see the UK list dropped down by 20% from 79 institution to 63 only.  

Our main competitor the US, aren’t doing any better than us.  Their list also got dropped down by 29% from 360 to 250 institutions.

The 2nd important list that is driving students mobility, the recommended list for self-funded students, is currently under review too, so it would be interesting to see how this is changing.

The country SIEM team is now planning a meeting with the Ministry to understand the overall criteria adopted in updating the list(s).  We will also share with you the recommended list for self-funded students as soon as it is published.

Not being on the scholarship list would mean that you can:

  • attract self-funded students (assuming you’re still on the list of recommended institutions for self-funded students, currently under review); and
  • receive scholarship students from non-government sponsors who may wish to continue working with you regardless of the updated list.

You can access the new scholarship list here, which is currently available only on the Arabic version of the website: http://www.edu.gov.qa/Ar/structure/HigherEducation/Universities_doc/SList2017.pdf