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Nepal: House committee to prepare final report on Open University bill

Good news on the Open University front in Nepal. The Open University Bill which was tabled for the first time in parliament toward the latter half of 2015 is receiving a review from the Women, Children, Senior Citizen and Social Welfare Committee under the Legislature-Parliament which will then issue a final report on the bill. A task force has been formed under the coordination of committee president Ranju Kumari Jha for this purpose. The report is expected to be drafted soon and should help the approval of the Open University Bill by the Nepalese parliament.

The Open University is among three newly proposed universities in Nepal and which when approved would take the number of universities in Nepal from nine to twelve. It is expected that the Open University would be useful to people who do not have access to higher education due to obstacles like poor economic and social condition and geographical remoteness. Land for the university has already been acquired at Banepa in Kavrepalanchok district. 

To read more about the proposed Open University in Nepal, please read the original articles below. 

To know more about the Nepal Higher Education market and about upcoming marketing and promotional events, please contact Abhinav Shakya at Abhinav.Shakya@britishcouncil.org.np