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  • A national training strategy to develop IT workforce in Vietnam is needed

A national training strategy to develop IT workforce in Vietnam is needed

In Vietnam, IT is one of the industries which suffer most from labour shortage, especially for new fields in network security, mobile application programming, 3D game design programming, visual effects design and 3D animation programming.
The battle among IT firms to scramble for engineers has become so fierce that analysts warn it may cause chaos in the IT labour market.
One of the weak points of IT graduates is their English language skill.This prevents them from accessing job opportunities from both Vietnamese and foreign companies.
If the labour shortage lasts a long time, this will badly affect Vietnam’s competitiveness, because the labour cost in the industry will be increasingly high. It is time Vietnam needed to draw up a national strategy on training workers for the IT industry.

Further information can be found at following links:

Comments from Lien Ta - British Council Vietnam:
Many universities in Vietnam are now interested in developing advanced training programmes and/or joint-training programmes with foreign institutions in IT and Computer Science in order to improve the quality of training and to meet the high labour demand of IT companies. However, English skill is the main barrier for students to meet requirements of these programmes. This needs to be taken into consideration by UK institutions who plan to build TNE training programmes with Vietnamese universities in this subject area. A good pathway programme that help students to gain the required English level as well as good study skills is very necessary to ensure a sustainable rate of students enrolment into a higher level joint-training programme.