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Most popular subjects selected by Polish secondary schools graduates

Latest data provided by Polish public universities about the most popular subjects selected by this year’s secondary schools graduates.

In general, the most popular subjects remain the same as in recent years. These are: Law, economics,  psychology, logistics and architecture.

However, the subjects differ for different types of universities.

In the humanities the most popular are: law, English philology, journalism, sociology.

A novelty is the popularity of subjects taught in English, especially in technical universities, for example biomedical engineering, chemistry, production engineering.

Important developments:

  • Some private universities and colleges struggle for candidates
  • A number of free places still available at major public universities
  • High unemployment rates for HE graduates
  • Growing number of English-taught courses but the quality of teaching at some of these courses remains questionable
  • Interest in UK studies remains big because it improves chances of employment
  • FE colleges gain in popularity

Reports Gazeta Wyborcza