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MoE: "one-stop" online management system established for China-foreign education cooperation projects

The Ministry of Education (MoE) announced the establishment of an information management system for China-foreign education cooperation projects on 26 March 2015. A "one-stop" application, registration and publication platform/system was established and accessible through www.jsj.edu.cn. The information management system includes an application and assessment system for joint programmes and institutes at or above degree level, a registration system for joint programmes and institutes below degree level, a registration and verification system for overseas qualifications and degrees, and a publication system for annual reports and other relevant information from joint programs and institutes.

Analysis by Liu Jing, Assistant Director Education Marketing

The establishment of this online system will likely standardise and improve the efficiency of the TNE application, approval and assessment process, which will to some extent reduce the amount of paperwork involved in the TNE application process. This will increase transparency and therefore strengthen the ability of both the public and the authorities to monitor TNE projects’ quality. However, it will likely have limited effect on the less formal parts of the application process, meaning that institutions planning to set up joint programmes should continue to work closely with their local partners to talk to the relevant authorities before making their application. The quality and student satisfaction rate of TNE projects will be a crucial issue to partners to address to enhance the sustainability of the projects.

Source: http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2015-03/25/content_2838128.htm